Queen of the Grue

Queen of the Grue

Saturday, February 21, 2015

A High Dream-With Zombies!

In my dream I'm standing outside of a car smoking and this guy says to get in, so I do. He's driving along and I'm starting to feel a bit strange. Then it occurs to me Oh yeah I just smoked a joint! Mind you, in real life I don't (okay haven't in years).

My mind starts having all those thoughts one has when they are high. A cop is going to stop us and smell it. He's going to see my dilated pupils and know I've been smoking. I'm rolling down the window to get rid of the smoke that can't possibly be in the car because I smoked outside.

All the sudden we're heading for a fence and this teenage boy is racing toward us screaming. The driver suddenly jumps out of the car leaving me and I think “Oh great, zombies and I'm high!”

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